Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hi there!

Wow, it's been a long time.  You look great!  Yeah, I've been keeping pretty busy myself.  Hey, I got a lot of reading done recently, and almost all of my books have movies! And, summer vacation is about o start.  So... I guess you want me to tell you what I think.  I mean, that's why you come here to see me after all, right?

OK, honesty here, I have been working as a substitute teacher, and for a little while as a tax preparer.  I have read a few books with the intention of writing something here.  I actually read The Fault in Our Stars both for this blog and because in the intervening year since I last posted I have apparently become a Nerdfighter and wanted to read some of John Green's books.  And the movie was about to come out.  I started to write the post and everything, but I kind of unintentionally abandoned it during research on Esther Earl, a big part of the inspiration behind the book.  I probably will finish the post, even though I know there are a lot of reviews on it out there from when it was in theaters, but I do want to do it, and maybe a year removed will be a different perspective.  Paper Towns, though.  Yeah, you should be seeing that in about a month.

I never did finish Howl's Moving Castle, even though I wanted to, because I have lost my book.


Shut up.

So, maybe for the summer we have The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Stand (I have wanted to do this one since I started!), and The Last Unicorn.  Maybe The Last Unicorn.  There seems to be a lot of reviews about that one recently too for some reason.

There.  I've promised.  And I have time and no excuses.  And I want to try at least one last time to bring this poor blog back from the dead again.

So, yeah, it was great seeing you!  We should do this more often.